mercredi 11 juillet 2007

Pick Up Secrets Exposed by a Woman

Pick Up Secrets Exposed by a Woman by DanAnd Jennifer

How SHOULD a regular guy approach a woman to get her phone number, a date, a chance?

We're always seeing seduction and pick up advice from the same well known faces in the Seduction Community. From David DeAngelo, to Zan, Mystery, Jason Matthews, and many others. Do you see the pattern yet? They're all GUYS!

They tell us how to approach women , how to get their phone numbers, and how to get them to go out on a date. They even tell us how to get those hot one night stands that some guys are crazy about.

We think it's about time to get that advice straight from a woman - the object of your search.

You ARE trying to get a woman to go out with you, aren't you?

Why not find out from her what's really going on behind her pretty blue eyes... what she's thinking about you as you first walk into the room, why she can't get rid of some guys fast enough when they come up to her... That kind of information is priceless. Imagine getting the lowdown from the other side... what it's like being a woman and having ALL THOSE GUYS hitting on you.

Here's our review of Tiffany Taylor's excellent insider guide to the fairer sex - Guy Gets Girl . In reality, it's more of a strategic and tactical plan than a "book", but anyway. It's also worth noting that Guy Gets Girl is the first and only step-by-step pickup, dating, and seduction guide available written for men... By a Woman. :-)

"How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere And Know Exactly What To Say To Get Her To Give You Her Number And Go On A Date With You - NOW"

Tiffany's promise is a pretty tall order, but from everything we've read, I'd say she delivers.

After all, it's not about fancy pickup lines, sleazy hypnosis tricks, and all kinds of other less than honest stuff. At the core, what matters is being confident and understanding that woman that you're approaching... understanding what she wants, what she's looking for, her true desires.

That's what matters and what will get you that date.

Tiffany also tells you how any nice guy can get practically any girl he wants , IF he knows what the lady is really looking for. Overall jerks don't hold a candle to nice guys, but beware - nice guys who don't know what they're doing often end up in the "friend zone".

She also tells you where to find great available women, even if you're not into dance clubs and the traditional singles scene.

And how about three different ways to approach a woman and immediately get on her good graces. Really, it can be that simple if your timing is right.

Her motives

Guess what... every person on this earth has a reason for everything they do. Many reasons are friendly and completely noble, and others are selfish misguided. Women are no different than men in this respect - pay close attention to what they say, what they're asking you about, how they act, act. and you'll always know where things are headed.

Flirting - the good, the bad, and the ugly

What you should say and when to get her affections, but especially what NOT to do when flirting unless you want to scare her off.

The first date

Learn the 4 best places to take a girl on a date , to guarantee you'll see her again. They don't even cost as much as a meal at a cheap restaurant, but they are infinitely more enjoyable for her!

A 3 step formula for planning that crucial first date, to ensure she'll not only go out with you, but keep going out with you, but keep you after that date.

What to talk about on your first date. Some great conversation starters, and what topics to avoid, or else.

Reading her signals - how to know if she's ready to take the next step The first kiss - how to know when she's ready to be kissed, and when she ISN'T.

The one night stand

There are many reasons you may not want to do this, but in case you do, there's a good section describing how to get her in the mood, how to read the signals, where to go, and what to do next. Also how to separate with no hard feelings after the sex, and how to ensure you'll be able to do it again if you choose.

Sex tactics

The key here again is understanding what women truly need and want... how to romance her and get her in the mood every time, why foreplay is so important if you want to have sex with her again, etc.

Also, the one mistake guys generally make that puts the freeze on any sexual activity for the evening and beyond.

And of course, knowing when to throw in the towel. Sometimes it just isn't working out, no matter how much you want it to. But you MUST know when and how you should break it off, so that you can still stay friends. Get this wrong and you could end up with a lot of problems.

Is she the one?

How to know if she's really the one for you, even if you think you're sure one way or the other.

Approaching - what to do and say that will boost your chances of getting the girl Ponder these questions...

Do you just walk right up to her, or is there a "right moment" to approach?
If she's with friends, how can you use her friends to your advantage?
Once you get her talking, how do you break the awkward silence?
And find out how to get her real number, and not end up with a bogus one.
Asking her out

How long do you need to wait before calling her, and what should you say to really keep her interested? Most guys get this completely wrong, which is why they can't ever seem to get that ever elusive second date.

A word of warning

Although the material is thorough and the ideas are very insightful and well thought out, we do have a strong concern with this guide. Guy Gets Girl comes with an additional bonus guide entitled Advanced Psychological Techniques .

We are not fond of using psychological triggers and similar seduction tactics to approach women, get a date, etc.

It is your choice if you want to use the advanced psychological seduction tactics in this book, but be warned. While you may be virtually guaranteed to get her phone number, get a date, get a one night stand... honesty is the most important factor in a relationship. Eventually she will get to know the real you, and you could be in trouble.

So the short version is this: use the advanced psychological seduction tactics at your own risk . This guide has a lot of great information, but use it wisely. Overall we highly recommend this book.

Get your copy right now before you get busy and forget. Then go out and walk up to the girl of your dreams, and score a date with her.

About the Author

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Copyright 2007

2 commentaires:

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StephaniePumphrey a dit…

At thе ѕаmе tіmе, guуѕ tеnd tо аvоіd оvеr соnfіdеnt wоmеn whоѕе ѕеlf соnfіdеnсе gіvеѕ ѕіlеnt ѕіgnаlѕ tо mаlеѕ thаt ѕау, "Kеер уоur dіѕtаnсе, I dо nоt nееd а mаn."

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